martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Fantastic weekend in London!

Hello everyone!

We have started our third week in Norwich, after a tiring and really warm weekend! On Saturday we woke up very early (most of us at half past five in the mornin) to get to London soon and enjoy the day. We visited the most emblematic places within the city: Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace (where we saw the changing of the guard), St. James Park, Leicester Square, Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament, Covent Garden and Piccadilly Circus. The sun and heat was with us throughout the whole of the day (about 35 degrees) and London was full of people, but anyways, everyone enjoyed the excursion!

On Sunday, we all met in the city center and went to Quasar Laser (something like paintball but with laser guns), in order to do something fun and different! (it is not all about shopping and shopping!)

Here you have some photos of our weekend!

Hola a todos!

Ya empezamos nuestra tercera semana en Norwich, despues de un fin de semana agotador y con muchisimo calor! El sabado madrugamos mucho (muchos a las cinco y media de la manana) para poder llegar a Londres bien pronto y disfrutar el dia. Visitamos los lugares mas emblematicos de la ciudad: Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace (donde pudimos ver el cambio de guardia), St. James Park, Leicester Square, el Big Ben y el Parlamento, Covent Garden y Picadilly Circus. El sol y el calor nos acompanaron durante todo el dia (sobre 35 grados) y Londres estaba repleto de gente, pero aun asi, todos disfrutaron mucho de la excursion!
El domingo, todos quedamos en el centro de la ciudad y fuimos a Quasar Laser (algo asi como paintball pero con pistolas de laser), para asi realizar algo divertido y diferente! (no todo van a ser compras y mas compras!)

Aqui teneis algunas fotos de nuestro fin de semana!  

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