jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Visit to Dragon Hall Museum

Hello everyone!

Here we are with more news from Norwich! Monday again! Time is going really fast for the students ... it looks they are enjoying their time here a lot! This week begins with classes in the morning and in the afternoon we visited the Dragon Hall Museum . Here the students were entertained with speeches about the weapons used in Medieval Times, they could even get dressed like at those times as you can see in the pictures. It was a different way to learn and have fun at the same time!

Here you have the link of the museum with more information: www.dragonhall.org

 Hola a todos!

Aqui estamos de nuevo desde Norwich! Lunes otra vez! El tiempo esta pasando realmente rapido para los chicos...se ve que estan disfrutando un monton! Esta semana comienza con clases por la manana y por la tarde fuimos a visitar el Museo de Dragon Hall. Aqui los chicos se entretuvieron un monton con las charlas sobre las armas utilizadas en la epoca medieval, incluso se pudieron vestir como en aquella epoca como podeis ver en las fotos. Fue una manera diferente de aprender y entretenerse al mismo tiempo!

Tambien os dejo el link del museo con mas informacion: www.dragonhall.org

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