martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Norwich Cathedral and stroll round Riverside area!

Hello everyone!

More cultural activities for the students! Today we visited Norwich Cathedral ( and then we walked around the area of the river (a very beautiful and quiet area to stroll) Inside the Cathedral the students did a questionnaire similar to the one they did in the Castle, and this time the winner was ... Carlos! (who also had his prize of chocolate!) The first photographs are of the Cathedral and the following ones of area of Riverside.

Tomorrow more news and photos from the morning excursion and disco tonight!


Hola a todos!

Mas actividades culturales para los chicos! Hoy visitamos la Catedral de Norwich ( y despues caminamos por la zona del rio (un area muy bonita y muy tranquila para pasear) Dentro de la catedral los chicos tambien hicieron un cuestionario, parecido al que realizaron en el castillo, y esta vez el ganador fue...Carlos! (que tambien se llevo su premio de chocolate!) Las primeras fotografias son de la Catedral y las siguientes son del area de Riverside.

Manana mas noticias y fotos con la excursion de manana y la discoteca de esta noche! 

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